Needless to say I haven't been very good at keeping this up like I promised... Well, my Aunt Linda got onto me a couple weeks ago and I promised I would update... well you saw how that happened LOL... So here's a mini update :)
The beginning of March was road trip time! Rachel & myself drove across Texas up to the good ole pantshandle... we did 4 cities and a bunch of little towns in 4 days...
Started out in Dimmit
Went to Earth and Easter
Ended up in Amarillo!
Went to Lubbock, even bought my kids Tech shirts!
ended the trip in Burleson and then headed home!
The following weekend Rich, myself & the boys went to Austin for an overnight trip and a bday party at Chuck E Cheese!
Rich & I also celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary! Crazy how time flies and that he's still putting up with me LOL
Now it's baseball season so you can find us at the ball field oh about 3-4 times a week! Mikey had his first game last night and they won! He's a killer first baseman!!
Well there's a small update... I am not going to promise lavish updates, but I'm going to work on keeping this thing up :)
thank goodness you keep us up to date on facebook!!!